To copy a program in Visual Basic to your computer

The programs are stored as *.zip files. Proceed as follows:

  1. Copy the *.zip file to your  computer
  2. Create a file named after the name of the program in directory
    C:\Arquivos  de Programas\
    (For instance, for the program "NTCLin" create the file
    "C:\Arquivos de Programas\NTCLin").
    This is necessary because internal addressings, written in the code of the program, are written in this way.
  3. Extract all files from file *.zip.
  4. Copy all extracted files to the file you have created ("C:\Arquivos de Programas\[Name of the Program]")
  5. Open, in Visual Basic 5.0, the file *.vbp
  6. Click in "Run".
