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Mauricio Gomes Constantino

A) Monografia, Dissertação, Teses

    1. Monografia de conclusão de graduação (13,3 MB): "Cinética da Mutarrotação da Glicose", FFCLRP, 1970.

    2. Dissertação de Mestrado (12,9 MB): "Sobre a Síntese de Bakkenolida", IQUSP, 1974.

    3. Tese de Doutoramento (55,7 MB): "Caminhos Sintéticos para Bakkenolidas", IQUSP, 1977.

    4. Tese de Livre-docência (16,96 MB): "Sobre a Síntese de Ácido Abscísico", FFCLRP-USP, 1982.

B) Trabalhos publicados em periódicos

  1. S. F. Campbell, M. G. Constantino, T. J. Brocksom and N. Petragnani, "An Approach to the Synthesis of Bakkenolide A", Synth. Commun. 1975, 5, 353-358. DOI: 10.1080/00397917508062089
  2. N. Petragnani, T. J. Brocksom, H. M. C. Ferraz and M. G. Constantino, "The Synthesis of a b -methylene-g -spirolactone", Synthesis, 1977, 112-113.  http://www.thieme-connect.com/ejournals/toc/synthesis/1448
  3. T. J. Brocksom, M. G. Constantino and H. M. C. Ferraz, "Synthesis of Spiro-b -methylene-g -butyrolactones", Synth. Commun. 1977, 7, 483-493. DOI: 10.1080/00397917708050784
  4. N. Petragnani, T. J. Brocksom, H. M. C. Ferraz e M. G. Constantino, "Síntese de uma b -Metileno-g -Espirolactona", Química Nova 1978, 1(2), 8-10. http://quimicanova.sbq.org.br/qn/qnol/1978/vol1n2/v01_n2_%20(4).pdf
  5. J. A. Marshall, M. G. Constantino and T. H. Black, "A Short Synthesis of Symmetrical Betweenanenes", Synth. Commun. 1980, 10, 689-692. DOI: 10.1080/00397918008065651
  6. M. G. Constantino, P. M. Donate and N. Petragnani, "Synthesis of (± )-1-(2,6,6-Trimethyl-4-hydroxycyclohexenyl)-1,3-butanedione (1), a Marine Natural Product", Tetrahedron Lett. 1982, 23, 1051-1054. DOI: 10.1016/S0040-4039(00)87019-7
  7. T. J. Brocksom and M. G. Constantino, "Diels-Alder Reactions of Piperylenes", J. Org. Chem. 1982, 47, 3450-3453. DOI: 10.1021/jo00139a013
  8. T. J. Brocksom e M. G. Constantino, "The Diels-Alder Reaction of Cis- and Trans-Piperylenes with Various Maleic and Citraconic Anhydride Derivatives", An. Acad. Brasil. Ciênc. 1982, 54, 655-661.
  9. M. G. Constantino, P. M. Donate and N. Petragnani, "An Efficient Synthesis of (± )-Abscisic Acid", J. Org. Chem. 1986, 51, 253-254. DOI: 10.1021/jo00352a027
  10. M. G. Constantino, P. M. Donate and N. Petragnani, "Hydration of Diacetylene Compounds. Synthesis of a Marine Natural Product: (± )-1-(2,6,6-Trimethyl-4-hydroxycyclohexenyl)-1,3-butanedione", J. Org. Chem. 1986, 51, 387-390. DOI: 10.1021/jo00353a022
  11. M. G. Constantino, "Um Acionador Automático de Seringas", Química Nova 1987, 10, 21-23. http://quimicanova.sbq.org.br/qn/qnol/1987/vol10n1/v10_n1_%20(4).pdf
  12. H. J. Bestmann, A. B. Attygalle, J. Glasbrenner, R. Riemer, O. Vostrovsky, M. G. Constantino, G. Melikian and E. D. Morgan, "Identification of the Volatile Components of the Mandibular Gland Secretion of the Ant Manica rubida: Structure Elucidation, Synthesis and Absolute Configuration of Manicone", Liebigs Ann. Chem. 1988, 55-60. DOI: 10.1002/jlac.198819880111
  13. M. G. Constantino e E. F. Medeiros, "Um Gerador de Ozônio de Fácil Construção", Química Nova 1988, 11, 259-261. http://quimicanova.sbq.org.br/qn/qnol/1988/vol11n2/v11_n2_%20(18).pdf
  14. M. G. Constantino, "Utilização de Micro-Computadores em Aulas de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear de Próton", Química Nova 1988, 11, 299-303. http://quimicanova.sbq.org.br/qn/qnol/1988/vol11n3/v11_n3_%20(6).pdf
  15. M. G. Constantino, P. Losco and E. E. Castellano, "A Novel Synthesis of (± )-Abscisic Acid", J. Org. Chem. 1989, 54, 681-683. DOI: 10.1021/jo00264a032
  16. E. E. Castellano, J. Zukermann-Schpector, M. G. Constantino and P. Losco, "Structural Studies on Abscisic Acid Synthesis Intermediates: (1)-5,6-Dihydro...", Acta Cryst. 1989, C45, 970-972. DOI: 10.1107/S0108270188014167
  17. M. G. Constantino e G. V. J. Silva, "Um Desumidificador de Ar para Aparelhos de RMN", Química Nova 1989, 12, 174-176. http://quimicanova.sbq.org.br/qn/qnol/1989/vol12n2/v12_n2_%20(9).pdf
  18. I. Carvalho, M. G. Constantino e G. V. J. Silva, "Simples e Eficiente Método para Dosar LDA", Química Nova 1989, 12, 177-178. http://quimicanova.sbq.org.br/qn/qnol/1989/vol12n2/v12_n2_%20(10).pdf
  19. M. G. Constantino e M. C. Prado, "Uma Síntese Formal de Capsorubina", Química Nova 1991, 14, 22. http://quimicanova.sbq.org.br/qn/qnol/1991/vol14n1/v14_n1_%20(4).pdf
  20. M. G. Constantino e E. R. Oliveira, "Um Seguro Controle de Aquecimento para Laboratório", Química Nova 1991, 14, 120-121. http://quimicanova.sbq.org.br/qn/qnol/1991/vol14n2/v14_n2_%20(11).pdf
  21. M. G. Constantino, M. Beltrame Jr., E. F. Medeiros and G. V. J. Silva, "Synthesis of an Allylic Spiro-Lactone", Synth. Commun. 1992, 22, 2859-2864. DOI: 10.1080/00397919208021553
  22. P. Losco, H. M. C. Ferraz e M. G. Constantino, "Uma Síntese Formal do Ácido Abscísico", Química Nova 1992, 15, 18-20. http://quimicanova.sbq.org.br/qn/qnol/1992/vol15n1/v15_n1_%20(4).pdf
  23. M. G. Constantino and M. Beltrame Jr., "Synthesis of Abscisic Acid", Trends in Organic Chemistry 1993, 4, 371-378.
  24. G. V. J. da Silva, M. M. M. Pelisson and M. G. Constantino, "Synthesis of 3-Substituted Furans", Tetrahedron Lett. 1994, 35, 7327-7330. DOI: 10.1016/0040-4039(94)85305-3
  25. J. Zukerman-Schpector, M. G. Constantino and M. Beltrame Jr., J. Chem. Cryst. 1995, 25, 413-416. DOI: 10.1007/BF01665279
  26. M. G. Constantino, M. Beltrame Jr., G. V. J. da Silva and J. Zukerman-Schpector, "A Novel Asymmetric Synthesis of (+)-Artemisinin", Synth. Commun. 1996, 26, 321-329. DOI: 10.1080/00397919608003621
  27. M. G. Constantino, I. Carvalho, G. V. J. da Silva and F. C. Archanjo, "Hydration of Acetylenic Esters: Synthesis of b -Keto-Esters", Molecules 1996, 1, 72-78. http://www.springerlink.com/content/e2ahdlhn4k2x/?p=3358204f423c48b9b910be67c45ad9b6&pi=19
  28. M. G. Constantino, L. G. O. Matias, G. V. J. da Silva, V. C. G. Heleno and M. T. P. Gambardella, "Stereoselective Synthesis of b -Hydroxy- and b -Ethoxy-d -lactones: Model Structures for Compounds Isolated from Otoba parvifolia", Synth. Commun. 1997, 27, 4285-4295. DOI: 10.1080/00397919708005052
  29. M. G. Constantino, G. V. J. da Silva e M. M. M. Pelisson, "Moléculas em Três Dimensões: Um Estereoscópio Para Computador", Química Nova 1998, 21, 337-340. http://quimicanova.sbq.org.br/qn/qnol/1998/vol21n3/v21_n3_15.pdf
  30. M. G. Constantino e A. X. de Souza, "Modelos Para o Carbono sp3: Quatro Pirâmides no Tetraedro", Química Nova 1998, 21, 662-665. http://quimicanova.sbq.org.br/qn/qnol/1998/vol21n5/v21_n5_%20(21).pdf
  31. M. G. Constantino and G. V. J. da Silva, "Stereochemistry in Substituted Cyclopentanes: An Approach to the Analysis by Proton NMR", Tetrahedron 1998, 54, 11363-11374. DOI: 10.1016/S0040-4020(98)00630-9
  32. M. G. Constantino, L. G. O. Matias, G. V. J. da Silva, E. Barbieri e M. T. P. Gambardella, "Stereoselective Sodium Borohydride Reductions of Cyclopentanones: Influence of Ceric Chloride on the Stereochemistry of Reaction", Química Nova, 1998, 21, 719-721. http://quimicanova.sbq.org.br/qn/qnol/1998/vol21n6/v21_n6_%20(8).pdf
  33. P. M. Donate, M. G. Constantino, R. da Silva and S. Pedersoli, "Synthesis of Substituted g-Butyrolactones: b-Hydroxymethyl-, b-Methylene and Cyclopropane Derivatives", Synth. Commun. 1999, 29, 2923-2936. DOI: 10.1080/00397919908086464
  34. M. G. Constantino, P. M. Donate, D. Frederico, T. V. Carvalho, L. E. Cardoso and J. Zukerman-Schpector, "Ring Contraction Through Epoxide Rearrangement: a Formal Synthesis of Capsorubin", Synth. Commun. 2000, 30, 3327-3340. DOI: 10.1080/00397910008086973
  35. M. G. Constantino e G. V. J. da Silva, "A Transformada de Fourier em Basic", Química Nova 2000, 23, 413-417.  http://quimicanova.sbq.org.br/qn/qnol/2000/vol23n3/v23_n3_(20).pdf
  36. G. V. J. da Silva, V. C. G. Heleno and M. G. Constantino, "Reduction and Preparation of a Phthalimide Derivative from a Furo-heliangolide", Molecules 2000, 5, 908-915. http://www.mdpi.org/molecules/papers/50600908.pdf
  37. M. G. Constantino, A. Beatriz and G. V. J. da Silva, "A Model Synthesis of the Bicyclic Core Structure of the Furanoheliangolide Sesquiterpenes", Tetrahedron Lett. 2000, 41, 7001-7004 . DOI: 10.1016/S0040-4039(00)01198-9
  38. L. G. O. Matias e M. G. Constantino, "Síntese de Ciclopentanos Funcionalizados", Anais Assoc. Bras. Quím. 2000, 49, 89-92.  http://allchemy.iq.usp.br/estruturando/revistas/anais-492.html
  39. M. G. Constantino, A. Beatriz, G. V. J. da Silva and J. Zukerman-Schpector, "Synthetic Studies on the Diels-Alder Adduct from 3,4-Dimethoxyfuran and Benzoquinone", Synth. Commun. 2001, 31, 3329-3336. DOI: 10.1081/SCC-100106044
  40. M. G. Constantino, V. Lacerda Jr., G. V. J. da Silva, L. Tasic and R. Rittner, "Principal Component Analysis of Long Range "W" Coupling Constants of Some Cyclic Compounds", J. Mol. Struc. 2001, 597/1-3, 129-136. DOI: 10.1016/S0022-2860(01)00591-9
  41. J. Zukerman-Schpector, I. Caracelli, M. Vega, M. G. Constantino, A. Beatriz e G. V. J. da Silva, "Two Polycyclic Compounds Derived from a Diels-Alder Reaction", Acta Cryst. 2001, C57, 646-648. DOI: 10.1107/S0108270101003365
  42. M. G. Constantino, V. Lacerda Jr. e V. Aragão, "Niobium Pentachloride Catalysed Ring Opening of Epoxides", Molecules 2001, 6, 770-776. http://www.mdpi.org/molecules/papers/60900770.pdf
  43. M. G. Constantino, V. Lacerda Jr. e G. V. J. da Silva, "Niobium Pentachloride Activation of Enone Derivatives: Diels-Alder and Conjugate Addition Products", Molecules 2002, 7, 456-465. http://www.mdpi.org/molecules/papers/70500456.pdf
  44. M. G. Constantino, A. X. de Souza e G. V. J. da Silva, "Synthetic Studies on Diels-Alder Adducts: Intramolecular Interactions Between Two Functions", Molecules 2002, 7, 475-486. http://www.mdpi.org/molecules/papers/70600475.pdf
  45. M. G. Constantino e G. V. J. da Silva, "Chemical Equilibrium, Free Energy and Entropy of Mixing", Chem. Educator 2002, 7, 349-353. DOI: 10.1007/s00897020613a
  46. M. G. Constantino, K. T. de Oliveira, A. Beatriz e G. V. J. da Silva, "A Synthetic Approach to Bicyclo[6.2.1]undecane Ring Systems", Tetrahedron Lett. 2003, 44, 2641-2643. DOI: 10.1016/S0040-4039(03)00377-0
  47. M. G. Constantino, V. Lacerda Jr. e G. V. J. da Silva, "An Efficient Synthesis of 3-Hydroxychromone Using Niobium Pentachloride", J. Heterocyclic Chem. 2003, 40, 369-371.
  48. M. G. Constantino, V. Lacerda Jr. and G. V. J. da Silva, "Detailed Assignments of 1H and 13C NMR Spectral Data of 14 Cyclopentane Derivatives", Magn. Reson. Chem. 2003, 41, 641-643. DOI: 10.1002/mrc.1221
  49. M. G. Constantino, K. T. de Oliveira, A. Beatriz e G. V. J. da Silva, "Analysis of the 1H and 13C NMR Spectra of Bicyclo[6.2.1]undecane Ring Systems", Magn. Reson. Chem. 2003, 41, 726-728. DOI: 10.1002/mrc.1233
  50. P. M. Donate, D. Frederico, R. da Silva, M. G. Constantino, G. Del Ponte e P. S. Bonato,  "Asymmetric Synthesis of g-Butyrolactones by Enantioselective Hydrogenation of Butenolides", Tetrahedron:Asymmetry 2003, 14, 3253-3256. DOI: 10.1016/j.tetasy.2003.08.031
  51. D. Frederico, P. M. Donate, M. G. Constantino, E. S. Bronze e M. I. Sairre, "A Short and Efficient Synthesis of Crocetin-dimethylester and Crocetindial", J. Org. Chem 2003, 68, 9126-9128. DOI: 10.1021/jo034545y
  52. V. C. G. Heleno, A. E. M. Crotti, M. G. Constantino, N. P. Lopes e J. L. C. Lopes, "Total Assignment of 1H and 13C NMR Data for the Sesquiterpene Lactone 15-Deoxygoyazensolide", Magn. Reson. Chem. 2004, 42, 364-367. DOI: 10.1002/mrc.1314
  53. M. G. Constantino, L. C. da Silva Filho, A. Cunha Neto, V. C. G. Heleno, G. V. J. da Silva e J. L. C. Lopes, “Structural Assignment of Diels-Alder Adducts: an Experimental and Theoretical Approach”, Spectrochimica Acta Part A 2005, 61(1-2), 171-176. DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2004.04.002
  54. M. G. Constantino, V. L. Júnior, L. C. da Silva Filho e G. V. J. da Silva, “Niobium (V) Chloride Mediated Preparation of b Chloro-a,b-Unsaturated Ketones”, Letters in Organic Chemistry, 2004, 1(4), 360-364. http://www.bentham.org/loc/contabs/loc1-4.htm
  55. M. G. Constantino, V. L. Júnior e G. V. J. da Silva, “Detailed Assignments of 1H and 13C NMR Spectral Data 0f 13 b-Substituted Cycloenones”, Magn. Reson. Chem. 2005, 43(4), 346-347. DOI: 10.1002/mrc.1547
  56. V. Aragão, M. G. Constantino, A. Beatriz and G. V. J. da Silva, “Synthesis of 1-Methyl-3-oxo-7-oxabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-2-carboxylic Acid Methyl Ester”, Molecules 2005, 10(11), 1413-1418. http://www.mdpi.org/molecules/papers/10111413.pdf
  57. L. C. da Silva Filho, V. L. Júnior, M. G. Constantino, G. V. J. da Silva e P. R. Invernize, “High Stereoselectivity on Low Temperature Diels-Alder Reactions”, Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry 2005, 1, 14.  DOI: 10.1186/1860-5397-1-14
  58. K. T. Oliveira, V. L. Júnior, M. G. Constantino, P. M. Donate, G. V. J. da Silva, T. J. Brocksom e D. Frederico, “Analysis of a Cycloheptenone Derivative: an Experimental and Theoretical Approach”, Spectrochimica Acta Part A 2006, 63(3), 709-713. DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2005.06.023
  59. V. L. Júnior, G. V. J. da Silva, M. G. Constantino, C. F. Tormena, R. Thomas Williamson e B. L. Márquez, “Long-range JCH Heteronuclear Coupling Constants in Cyclopentane Derivatives”, Magn. Reson. Chem. 2006, 44(1), 95-98. DOI: 10.1002/mrc.1723
  60. S. Pedersoli, M. G. Constantino e G. V. J. da Silva, “1H and 13C NMR Spectral Data for a Tricyclic Derivative of a Diels-Alder Adduct”, Magn. Reson. Chem. 2006, 44(1), 83-86. DOI: 10.1002/mrc.1714
  61. M. G. Constantino, K. T. Oliveira, E. C. Polo, G. V. J. da Silva e T. J. Brocksom, “Core Structure of Eremophilanes and Bakkanes through Niobium Catalyzed Diels-Alder Reaction: Synthesis of (±)-Bakkenolide A”, J. Org. Chem. 2006, 71, 9880-9883. DOI: 10.1021/jo061722x
  62. M. G. Constantino, G. V. J. da Silva, V. C. G. Heleno, I. A. Borin e I. P. de A. Campos, “Simulação de Desdobramentos Complexos de Espectros de RMN de 1H”, Química Nova 2006, 29(1), 160-167. http://quimicanova.sbq.org.br/qn/qnol/2006/vol29n1/28-NT05046.pdf
  63. G. F. Caramori, K. T. Oliveira, S. E. Galembeck, P. Bultinck e M. G. Constantino, “Aromaticity and Homoaromaticity in Methano[10]annulenes”, J. Org. Chem. 2007, 72(1), 76-85. DOI: 10.1021/jo061702v
  64. V. L. Júnior, M. G. Constantino, G. V. J. da Silva, Álvaro Cunha Neto e Cláudio F. Tormena, “NMR and Theoretical Investigation of the Keto-enol Tautomerism in Cyclohexane-1,3-diones”, J. Mol. Struc. 2007, 828(1-3), 54-58. DOI: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2006.05.036
  65. M. G. Constantino, V. L. Júnior, P. R. Invernize, L. C. da Silva Filho e G. V. J. da Silva, “Opening of Epoxide Rings Catalyzed by Niobium Pentachloride”, Synth. Commun. 2007, 37(20), 3529-3539.  UR - http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/00397910701555790
  66. V. J. Júnior, K. T. Oliveira, Rodrigo Costa e Silva, M. G. Constantino e G. V. J. da Silva, “Reatividade em Reações de Diels-Alder: Uma Prática Computacional”, Química Nova 2007, 30(3), 727-730. http://quimicanova.sbq.org.br/qn/qnol/2007/vol30n3/37-ED06142.pdf
  67. M. G. Constantino, V. Aragão e G. V. J. da Silva, “An Approach to the Synthesis of Furanoheliangolides Through Diels-Alder Reactions”, Tetrahedron Letters 2008, 49, 1393-1395. DOI: 10.1016/j.tetlet.2007.12.079
  68. V. L. Júnior, G. V. J. da Silva, M. G. Constantino, R. B. dos Santos, E. V. R. de Castro e R. C. Silva, “Stereochemistry of Ccyclopentane Derivatives from 2,3JCH Dependence on Dihedral Angle (θ H-C-C-X)”, Magn. Reson. Chem. 2008, 46(3), 268-273. DOI: 10.1002/mrc.2182
  69. D. C. Sass, V. C. G. Heleno, J. L. C. Lopes e M. G. Constantino, One-step Biomimetic Conversion of a Furanoheliangolide into an Eremantholide Using Stryker's Reagent”, Tetrahedron Letters 2008, 49, 3877-3880.
  70. D. C. Sass, K. T. Oliveira e M. G. Constantino, Synthesis of Homoallylic Oxygenated alfa-methylene-gamma-butyrolactones: a Model for Preparing Biologically Active Natural Lactones”, Tetrahedron Letters 2008, 49, 5770-5772.
  71. L. C. da Silva Filho, V. L. Júnior, M. G. Constantino e G. V. J. da Silva, Fast and Efficient Synthesis of Pyrano[3,2- c ]quinolines Catalyzed by Niobium(V) Chloride”,  Synthesis”, Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry 2008, 2527-2536.

  72. E. C. Polo, L. C. da Silva Filho, SILVA, G. V. J. da Silva e M. G. Constantino, Síntese de 1-Indanonas Através da Reação de Acilação de Friedel-Crafts Intramolecular Utilizando NbCl5 Como Ácido de Lewis”, Química Nova 2008, 31, 763-766.

  73. T. J. Brocksom, U. Brocksom e M. G. Constantino, A Síntese dos Sesquiterpenos Baquenolidas”, Química Nova 2008, 31, 937-941.
  74. D. Frederico, M. G. Constantino e P. M. Donate, Total Synthesis of (3S, 5R, 3'S, 5'R)-Capsorubin, Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 2009, 20, 888-894.
  75. D. C. Sass, V. C. G. Heleno, G. O. Morais, J. L. C. Lopes, N. P. Lopes e M. G. Constantino, Selectivity in Reduction of Natural Furanoheliangolides with Stryker's Reagent”, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2011, 9, 6148.

  76. D. C. Sass, E. C. De Lucca, J. S. Barbosa, K. T. Oliveira e M. G. Constantino, Tandem Reduction + Cyclization of ortho-Substituted Cinnamic Esters”, Tetrahedron Letters 2011, 52, 5371-5374.

  77. D. C. Sass, V. C. G. Heleno, A. C. F. Soares, J. L. C. Lopes e M. G. Constantino,  Detailed 1H and 13C NMR structural assignment and relative stereochemistry determination for three new and one known semi-synthetic sesquiterpene lactones, Journal of Molecular Structure 2012, 1008, 24-28.

  78. A. F. Nascimento, M. G. Constantino e P. M. Donate, Total Synthesis of Aripuanin, a Megastigmane from Ficus aripuanensis, Orbital: The Electronic Journal of Chemistry 2012, 4, 253-262.
  79. S. M. M. Rodrigues, V. Nardini, M. G. Constantino e G. V. J. da Silva, Cerium Metal-mediated Reformatsky-type Reaction with Ethyl Bromosuccinate for the Synthesis of Novel Paraconic Acid Analogs”, Tetrahedron Letters 2012, 53, 6136-6137.
  80. D. C. Sass, V. C. G. Heleno, S. Cavalcante, J. N. Silva, A. C. F. Soares e M. G. Constantino, Solvent Effect in Reactions Using Stryker s Reagent, Journal of Organic Chemistry 2012, 77, 9374-9378.
  81. V. Nardini, S. M. M. Rodrigues, M. G. Constantino e G. V. J. da Silva, Side-chain Modifications of Highly Functionalized 3(2H)-Furanones”, Molecules 2012, 17, 12151-12162.
  82. S. M. M. Rodrigues, V. Palaretti, V. Nardini, M. G. Constantino e G. V. J. da Silva, Studies Towards Rotational Dynamics of Dimethyl 2-(triphenylphosphoranylidene) Succinate by 1H NMR”, Journal of Molecular Structure THEOCHEM 2013, 1051, 276-279.
  83. D. C. Sass, V. C. G. Heleno, J. S. Barbosa, G. O. Morais, F. B. Costa e M. G. Constantino, “Biomimetic Synthesis of Diversifolin”, Tetrahedron Letters 2013, 54, 625-627.
  84. S. M. M. Rodrigues, V. Nardini, R. F. Moral, M. G. Constantino e G. V. J. da Silva, Assignment of NMR Data and Relative Stereochemistry Determination of Paraconic Acid Derivatives”, Journal of Molecular Structure 2013, 1053, 100-105.
  85. A. Beatriz, R. S. Gomes, M. G. Constantino, G. V. J. da Silva e K. T. Oliveira, Synthesis of the Bicyclo[6.2.1]undecane Ring System by a Solvent-free Diels–Alder Reaction”, Tetrahedron Letters 2014, 55, 679-681.
  86. J. S. Barbosa, G. V. J. da Silva e M. G. Constantino, “One-step Synthesis of Indanones Through NbCl5-induced  Friedel-Crafts Reaction”, Tetrahedron Letters 2015, 56, 4649-4652.



Última edição desta página: 26 ago 2015